Transport in Oxfordshire – the Big Picture Oxfordshire is leading the way with forward-looking transport policies, reducing car-dependence and increasing the attractiveness of alternative modes. Andrew Gant is the Liberal Democrat Councillor in charge of transport at Oxfordshire County Council
What North Yorkshire Told Active Travel England vs the Reality
What North Yorkshire Told Active Travel England vs the Reality North Yorkshire Council (NYC) has a habit of making big claims when it is required to show that it is committed to active travel, but then disappointing by failing to
Our Changing Travel Post-Pandemic
Our Changing Travel Post-Pandemic The DfT has published a study of post-pandemic transport trends and changing travel behaviour, Our Changing Travel 2023. The data were gathered by Ipsos in an online survey of 3,732 people in England, and the study
Yorkshire & Humber Climate Action Plan 2024
Yorkshire & Humber Climate Action Plan 2024 The Yorkshire & Humber Climate Commission has published an updated Climate Action Plan. The last one was released in 2021. Will it make any difference, or is just so much bla bla bla?
York’s Transport Strategy Implementation Plan is Fizzing with Ideas
York’s Transport Strategy Implementation Plan is Fizzing with Ideas York Council has published a draft Local Transport Strategy Implementation Plan 2024-26. It will be discussed at a council meeting today. The Implementation Plan is fizzing with ideas. Most council plans
Framework for York’s Movement and Place Plan
Framework for York’s Movement and Place Plan The City of York has received a report setting out a Framework for a Movement and Place Plan. It was commissioned from consultants PJA. Why Movement and Place? The report explains that over
Boardman at Active Travel Café
Boardman at Active Travel Café England’s Active Travel Commissioner Chris Boardman appeared at Active Travel Café this week. Here are some of the things he said. 1) Capability Ratings Boardman learned from his time in Manchester that political will is
Victoria Avenue TRO Published
Victoria Avenue TRO Published North Yorkshire Council (NYC) has published a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for its proposed changes to Victoria Avenue. The lame Victoria Avenue scheme is all that is left of NYC’s Active Travel Fund 2 projects. Originally,
Time Savings for Cars not Treated as a Benefit in Welsh Transport Schemes
Time Savings for Cars not Treated as a Benefit in Welsh Transport Schemes When assessing transport schemes in Wales, journey time savings for private car users are no longer considered as a benefit for Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) purposes. That’s
Tories Still Prosecuting LTN Culture War
Tories Still Prosecuting LTN Culture War It appears the Tories are still attempting to prosecute a culture war over Low Traffic Neighbourhoods and other sustainable travel, despite their defeat at the general election in July 2024. Written Parliamentary Questions On