
Cycling in Yorkshire & Beyond

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Cycling Stuck at 2% of Trips in National Travel Survey 2023

Modal share in the NTS 2023
Modal share in the NTS 2023

Cycling is stuck at 2% of trips and 1% of distance travelled according to the National Travel Survey for 2023.

The average number of cycling trips per person per year is 15, the same as in 2022, but down from a peak of 20 in 2020.

Average miles cycled per person per year are down from 57 in 2022 to 47 in 2023.

Cycling trips and miles travelled, NTS
Cycling trips and miles travelled, NTS

Leisure is the biggest single purpose of cycling trips, at 40%. Commuting makes up 29% of trips.

Cycling trips by purpose, NTS
Cycling trips by purpose, NTS

Men cycle more often than women, and further.

The National Travel Survey

The National Travel Survey, NTS, is a household survey. No traffic counts are undertaken; it relies on what respondents say about the way they travel.

The 2023 NTS results are based on information provided by 14,102 individuals.

Increase in Trips

Trip rates, NTS 2023
Trip rates, NTS 2023

Trips generally regardless of mode in 2023 were up 6% compared with 2022, but they are still below pre-pandemic rates (2019).

Miles travelled increased from the early 1970s to the early 2000s, then began to decline. There was a big dip in 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic, and since then a rebound – but not yet to the pre-pandemic level. Miles travelled are 8% below the 2019 level.

Mode Share by Trip Length

Mode share by trip length, TS 2023
Mode share by trip length, TS 2023

Most people walk trips under a mile.

The big opportunity for cycling is trips from 1 to 5 miles, but this requires safe, convenient infrastructure. Currently, 69% of those trips are made by private car.

Car Availability and Trends

Access to vehicles, NTS 2023
Access to vehicles, NTS 2023

Most households do have access to one or more vehicles, but 22% do not.

The number of car trips and distance travelled are both up on 2022, but not yet back to pre-pandemic levels.

Car trips and miles travelled, NTS 2023
Car trips and miles travelled, NTS 2023

Leisure remains the biggest single purpose of car trips. Leisure and shopping make up 51% of all trips.

Purpose of car trips, NTS 2023
Purpose of car trips, NTS 2023

Travel to School

Travel to school by age and mode, NTS 2023
Travel to school by age and mode, NTS 2023

The proportion of 5-10 year olds walking to school in 2023 was down on 2022, and driving was up.

The proportion of 11-16 year olds walking to school in 2023 was up on 2022, but driving was also up.

Cycling Stuck at 2% of Trips in National Travel Survey 2023