What North Yorkshire Told Active Travel England vs the Reality North Yorkshire Council (NYC) has a habit of making big claims when it is required to show that it is committed to active travel, but then disappointing by failing to
Boardman at Active Travel Café
Boardman at Active Travel Café England’s Active Travel Commissioner Chris Boardman appeared at Active Travel Café this week. Here are some of the things he said. 1) Capability Ratings Boardman learned from his time in Manchester that political will is
Victoria Avenue TRO Published
Victoria Avenue TRO Published North Yorkshire Council (NYC) has published a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for its proposed changes to Victoria Avenue. The lame Victoria Avenue scheme is all that is left of NYC’s Active Travel Fund 2 projects. Originally,
Active Travel Capability Ratings 2024
Active Travel Capability Ratings 2024 Local authority active travel capability ratings for 2024 have been published by Active Travel England. Headlines There are now no Level 0 authorities, as the four councils previously rated 0 have improved to Level 1.
Labour Government Promises Unprecedented Levels of Funding for Cycling and Walking
Labour Government Promises Unprecedented Levels of Funding for Cycling and Walking The new Labour government is planning to allocate ‘unprecedented levels of funding’ to walking and cycling. The information comes from a Laura Laker article in the Guardian today. Laker
Active Travel England Design Assurance Service
Active Travel England Design Assurance Service Active Travel England (ATE) has formally launched guidance about their Design Assurance Service to help local authorities. The aim of the service is to ensure that government-funded active travel or cross-modal schemes follow best
Responses to the Victoria Avenue Consultation
Responses to the Victoria Avenue Consultation North Yorkshire Council (NYC) has published the results of the consultation on their latest proposals for Victoria Avenue. Only six people (10% of responses) support the planned scheme, which has had all the cycling
Active Travel England Lets Harrogate Cyclists Down with Lame Victoria Avenue Scheme
Active Travel England Lets Harrogate Cyclists Down with Lame Victoria Avenue Scheme Active Travel England (ATE) is letting Harrogate cyclists down, as well as people who would like to cycle around town but find it too hostile, by rubber-stamping a
Harrogate Cycle Network Prioritisation
Harrogate Cycle Network Prioritisation North Yorkshire Council (NYC) has published a report detailing its cycle prioritisation work for Harrogate. The report’s recommendation to proceed with ‘stakeholder engagement’, and to extend the work to Knaresborough, will be considered at a council
IPPR Stride and Ride Report
IPPR Stride and Ride Report Independent charity the Institute for Public Policy Research has published a new report on investment in active travel in England. It’s called Stride and Ride. The report contains five recommendations: The report says of the